Ageism is a common barrier to creating meaningfully diverse work cultures. In this study, Empress explores how organizations today can build thriving, dynamic workplaces with up to five generations.

This research, now available to Empress subscribers, is designed to define how generations derive meaning from their professions—and how organizations can learn from their seasoned workforce while engaging the next generation.


Wednesday, October 11 | 12:00-12:45PM  

Join the team from Empress for an overview and brief discussion of the core findings from our most recent study, Reinventing Age: Creating Thriving Cross-Generational Workplaces. The conversation will be led by Bethany Iverson, Co-Founder of The Coven, and will unpack ageism as a common barrier to creating meaningfully diverse work cultures. 

Creating a more equitable future of work requires a collective commitment to daily actions. 

Our 2023 Reinventing Age: Creating Thriving Cross-Generational Workforces study indicates that organizations need to develop a richer and more nuanced understanding of employee perspectives—including similarities and differences across a spectrum of ages and generations.  

With this study, gain actionable ideas to retain and engage older employees and debunk harmful stereotypes that prevent older employees from being valued and understood. By using this research, empower your organization to better engage and integrate all generations in your workforce. 


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